Appendix D



Sent: 06 April 2023 11:50
To: EHL Licensing <>; Cllr Lizzie Deane <>
Subject: Bread and milk ltd resident objection to licence

EF CON END 12.04.2023 VALID PPN (A) 

Please help 

Im very concerned  and upset to learn yesterday in  north Laine runner   that an applications in  process  for trading  Achohol at 82 trafalgar st by bread and milk ltd i
Please can you help as I not sure how? what?   Is best way  to object but here write  as best I can  for now a quick  explanation of my worries  concern issues

 I wish to object on grounds of noise and nuisance I am a REDACTED premises even at present  I am  REDACTED Bread and milk  businesses activities mean  I am woken every day at 4 am in the morning then sixam  by deliveries then  table are often  taken out as early as 7am or 7 20 am  a whole hour before I believe they are legally   permitted. They have installed  permanent seating which  invite loitering and loud conversations at the most random  unsocial hours 
I also REDACTED as table and chair are REDACTED, they have redesigned their  window to slide open which now creates further noise and nuisance 
The whole ambience of our area is  now when busy that of a dinning room you can not turn off further their staff customer deliveries  will stop park  imediatley REDACTED
I really am suffering with my mental health and well being as a result of this  7 days a week 

The only rest bite is when they leave at 6 if they plan to open till 9 I dont know what I will do if   the consumption of acahol outside at tables  in evening till 9 pm will make for  greater unbearable noise and nuisance  already I have issue with the next door business  REDACTED outside tables in evening who dont take their tables in until midnight    and  because of noise I can  now for years no longer REDACTED

I did try last year to complain  but im not well and became very confused by all this situation there are many issue and the domino effect of both Bread and milk and  REDACTED outside trading noise   is causing me a great deal of upset and  grief   I have taken photo at various  times one indirectly show bread and milk possibly pouring oil ? waste down REDACTED drains   I  also am  struggling so much  with REDACTED
And the issue have are taking an emotional stress upon  my life
Please help